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artesian water中文是什么意思

用"artesian water"造句"artesian water"怎么读"artesian water" in a sentence


  • 承压水;自流水
  • 受压水
  • 自廉水
  • 自流井水
  • 自流水


  • The method of applying monoclinal water storage structures in determining dynamic water level emphasizes on experimental calculation of the height of artesian water followed by picturing hydrodynamic field in couple with limited available data of groundwater level
  • Of the various kinds of prospecting work , the hydrogeologic work should be mainly carried out in following aspects : division of hydrogeological units , the determination of artesian water - bearing system and the identification of prospecting target horizon ; the analysis on hydrodynamic regime , the analysis on hydrogeochemical environments , the paleo - hydrogeologic analysis and the delineation of redox front and favourable area for uranium ore - formation
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